[Weixin Pay]222058 is your Weixin Pay verification code. Do not reveal it to anyone.
[Weixin Pay]573047 is your Weixin Pay verification code. Do not reveal it to anyone.
Your noon verification code is: 8890
The Club: Your password has been changed successfully. If you didn’t make this request, please contact The Club’s Customer Service Hotline at 183 3000 for assistance.
The Club: Change password verification code: 740578 . Code is valid till 2023/07/28 17:47:35 (GMT+8).
The Club: Your mobile number has been changed successfully. If you didn’t make this request, please change your password immediately or contact The Club’s Customer Service Hotline at 183 3000 for assistance.
The Club: Change mobile number verification code:168025. Code valid till 2023/07/28 17:45:28 (GMT+8).
The Club: Change mobile number verification code:872711. Code valid till 2023/07/28 17:36:15 (GMT+8).
e (OTP) is: 381021
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【AIA友邦】Congratulations! You have successfully registered your AIA EASY LOGIN account.
Use verification code 298189 for AIA Connect authentication.
【AIA友邦】From AIA (issued at 2023-07-28 04:34): Your one time passcode (OTP) is: 381021