[网易云音乐]Verification code: 9567, valid for 10 minutes.
【NETEASE】Verification code: 389100
[约战竞技场]Your verify code is 896079,10 minutes effective.
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Netease Verification code: 767504
【 盛】 :796288, 是您在 盛本次 理的 ,15分 有效。 勿透露 其他人!
Hi, our records indicate that your payment was due and we have yet to receive your outstanding payment of $23.20 at 14 Sungei Gedong Road Singapore 718919 (Blk 105) premises on Date: 2023-03-09 16:43:38,with last top up $1.00.Please be advised that we take our payment terms seriously and kindly request that you clear the outstanding payment within 2 days to avoid any potential legal action.You can make the payment through our website at https://mobile.shop.ijooz.sg. If you have any concerns regarding this matter, please don't hesitate to contact us at 65 8332 3526.Thank you for your cooperation. Best regards, IJOOZ Team