Hi Yang, this is Karen from Noonlight. Wyze Cam Plus Pro has detected a person on your Wyze Device camera. Would you like us to dispatch emergency services?
Have a great rest of your night!
We see that you have entered your pin - we are glad that you are okay. I have canceled your alarm.
Police advised will not respond, please call 911 in case of real emergency.
Stay calm, we are notifying police.
Okay, then I'll need to verify your safety via phone.
We are calling you, please answer.
Okay, then I'll need to verify your safety via phone.
We are calling you, please answer.
Hi Yang, this is Karen from Noonlight. Wyze Cam Plus Pro has detected a person on your Wyze Device camera. Would you like us to dispatch emergency services?
We see that you have entered your pin - we are glad that you are okay. I have canceled your alarm.
We are calling you, please answer.
Hi Yang, this is Karen from Noonlight. Wyze Cam Plus Pro has detected a person on your Wyze Device camera. Would you like us to dispatch emergency services?
Have a great rest of your night!
We see that you have entered your pin - we are glad that you are okay. I have canceled your alarm.