【滴滴租车】您有租车订单待评价,快来说说本次服务怎么样,帮我们做得更好,详情点击 https://c.didi.cn/aDi9LfU
[Nico], Verification Code 925599
【滴滴租车】还车成功:您的租车订单已还车,门店将按押金规则为您解冻押金,规则详见 https://c.didi.cn/2Nxz3pq
【滴滴租车】还车提醒:您的租车订单将在2小时后还车,记得合理安排行程哦 https://c.didi.cn/uqNYWnU
的:zx147815, 迎您 行手 ,本次 :815776(艾肯 平台)。
<Smiles> 於5分 入一次性密 (OTP):-295989。 。
[NetEase]Verification code: 509800
【网易】Verification code: 634173
NCSOFT The verification code is 710569.
[Prudential] 622640 is your one-time password (OTP). Enter the OTP in 2 minutes for us to verify your identity.
[Prudential] 934879 is your one-time password (OTP). Enter the OTP in 2 minutes for us to verify your identity.
[Prudential] 904041 is your one-time password (OTP). Enter the OTP in 2 minutes for us to verify your identity.
[Prudential] 404691 is your one-time password (OTP). Enter the OTP in 2 minutes for us to verify your identity.
[Prudential] 941915 is your one-time password (OTP). Enter the OTP in 2 minutes for us to verify your identity.